01. Basic Information
- Chemical Name: 3-(2, 3-Epoxypropoxy)propyltrimethoxysilane
- Product No.: BTS6042
- CAS_ No.: 2897-60-1
- EINECS_ No.: 220-780-8
- Equivalent Products of other Manufacturers:DowCorning Z-6042, ShinEtsu KBE-402, Momentive Silquest WetLink 78, CoatOSil 2287
02. Typical Physical Properties
- Molecular Formula:C11H24O4Si
- Molecular Weight:248.39
- Boiling Point: 123°C [5mmHg]
- Flash Point: 122°C
- Color and Appearance: Colorless clear liquid.
- Density(ρ20, g/cm3):0.978
- Refractive Index(n25D):1.431
- Purity: 97%
03. Product Description
BTS6042 is a clear colorless, low-odor liquid. BTS6042 may be used as an adhesion promoter (coupling agent) for organic/inorganic interfaces, as a surface modifier (e.g. regulating surface polarity) or as a crosslinking agent (moisture-curing of polymers). When used as coupling agent, it generally reduces the sensitivity of the products’ mechanical and electrical properties to heat and/or moisture.
04. Typical Applications
- BTS6042 improves dry and wet strength in cured composites reinforced with glass fiber rovings.
- It also enhances the wet electrical properties of epoxy-based encapsulate and packaging materials.
- Additionally, BTS6042 eliminates the need for a separate primer in polysulfide and urethane sealants, and improves adhesion in waterborne acrylic sealants, urethane, and epoxy coatings.
05. Packing Details
- 210L Iron Drum:200kg/drum
- 1000L IBCContainer: 970kg/container